Knapsack Problem

The knapsack problem is a problem in combinatorial optimizationopen in new window: Given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit and the total value is as large as possible. It derives its name from the problem faced by someone who is constrained by a fixed-size knapsackopen in new window and must fill it with the most valuable items. The problem often arises in resource allocationopen in new window where the decision makers have to choose from a set of non-divisible projects or tasks under a fixed budget or time constraint, respectively.[1] The problem is known to be NP-hard even for the simplified version.

Simplified Version

Suppose that you are in an all-you-can-eat strawberry farm, where you can have an unlimited amount of strawberry, but when you decide to eat a strawberry, you have to each a whole of it. We have the following optimization model, because we want to eat the maximum amount of strawberry.

  • Input:
    • Positive integer n (number of strawberries)
    • Positive real numbers w1,...,wn (weight of each strawberry)
    • Positive real number W (maximum weight of strawberry that we can eat)
    • Assumption: w1w2...wn
  • Output: Set S{1,...,n} (set of strawberries we eat)
  • Constraint: iSwiW
  • Objective Function: Maximize iSwi

Algorithm for the Simplified Version

     \begin{algorithm} \begin{algorithmic} \STATE $S \gets \varnothing$ \FOR{$j = 1$ \TO $n$} \IF{$\sum\limits_{i\in S} w_i + w_j\le W$} \STATE $S \gets S \cup \{j\}$ \ELSE \IF{$w_j \ge \sum\limits_{i\in S} w_i$} \STATE $S \gets \{j\}$ \ENDIF \STATE \textbf{break} \ENDIF \ENDFOR \RETURN $S$ \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} 

Here we assume that for all i, wiW

If this assumption doesn't hold, we can just pick those over-weight out beforehand.

This is a 0.5-approximation algorithm, i.e., SOL0.5 OPT for any input.

Proof of the Simplified Version

Here we prove that the algorithm is a 0.5-approximation algorithm, i.e., SOL0.5 OPT for any input.

  1. OPTW

  2. if i=1nwiW, i.e., the loop never break, then



    weight sum of previously chosen strawberries+weight of last oneW

    Thus, either weight sum of previously chosen strawberries0.5W or weight of last one0.5W, we pick the larger one of them, so SOL0.5W

  3. SOL0.5W0.5 OPT

Full Version

Suppose that you are in an all-you-can-eat strawberry farm, where you can have an unlimited amount of strawberry, but when you decide to eat a strawberry, you have to each a whole of it. We have the following optimization model, because we want to eat strawberries with the maximum amount of happiness.

  • Input:
    • Positive integer n (number of strawberries)
    • Positive real numbers w1,...,wn (weight of each strawberry)
    • Positive real number W (maximum weight of strawberry that we can eat)
    • Positive real numbers h1,...,hn (happiness from eating each strawberry)
    • Assumption: h1w1h2w2...hnwn
  • Output: Set S{1,...,n} (set of strawberries we eat)
  • Constraint: iSwiW
  • Objective Function: Maximize iShi

The differences from the simplified version previously discussed are marked in bold italic. Instead of assuming that a smaller strawberry will come before a larger one, we sort the strawberries by the happiness gained per weight consumed. It is straightforward to show that the knapsack problem is NP-hard based on the fact that the simplified version is NP-hard.


     \begin{algorithm} \begin{algorithmic} \STATE $S \gets \varnothing$ \FOR{$j = 1$ \TO $n$} \IF{$\sum\limits_{i\in S} w_i + w_j\le W$} \STATE $S \gets S \cup \{j\}$ \ELSE \IF{$h_j \ge \sum\limits_{i\in S} h_i$} \STATE $S \gets \{j\}$ \ENDIF \STATE \textbf{break} \ENDIF \ENDFOR \RETURN $S$ \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} 

We can prove that the algorithm is also a 0.5-approximation algorithm, which means that, for any particular input, the happiness we have from the algorithm is no less than 50% of the optimal solution.

  1. in new window ↩︎